Sunday, September 9, 2012

Getting Started

We find time to do the things that we love to do. How many busy moms and dads do you know who find time to play golf, meet friends for coffee, shop, or go to the lake every weekend? What about time spent on the computer or watching TV? Most Americans choose to spend time on entertainment, computers etc., but they claim they don't have time to read. Ba-low-nee! Where there is will, there's a way. So if you love words and you want to enrich your life with ideas and dreams, go to the library! No more excuses... get out your library card or dust off the books on your's time to get started.

I have loved books all of my life. My mom used to read to my sister and I on a regular basis. Mom still loves to read so I guess she passed on this interest to us. I remember her reading Robinson Crusoe and Charlotte's Web to us when we lived in Brazil. Many years later after my own kids were born, mom had an excuse to buy them beautiful books that we enjoyed over and over again. Now that they are both in college, these books are in storage for our next generation to enjoy! Don't worry - most of them will never end up in a yard sale, Mom.

Back in 1984 I had a professor on graduate school who suggested that we keep a record of every book that we read. Am I the only person in the class that did it? I don't know but I'm still doing it! Yes, that's right...I have kept a card catalog list of every book that I've read since 1984. The grand total number of books that I have read in the past 28 years is 405 books. That's an average of more than one book per month. I did it while taking classes, raising two children, attending church, keeping house, and working at least part- time during most of the 24 years. So it can be done! If you love to read, then do it. Now is the time. Get a good book and begin. You will thank me later for it.

As I was thumbing through my card catalog today, I realized that three of the authors stood  apart because I have read several books by them. I've read five books by Jimmy Carter (An Hour Before Daylight, Christmas in Plains, Living Faith, A Remarkable Mother, Sharing Good Times). I've also read five books by Anita Shreve (The Weight of Water, Low Country, The Pilot's Wife, Sea Glass, Light on Snow). Then there is Barbara Kingsolver. I've read six of her fantastic books (Animal, Vegetable, Miracle; The Bean Trees, Pigs in Heaven, Prodigal Summer, The Poisonwood Bible, and The Lacuna). Kingsolver's The Poisonwood Bible is in my top ten list for Best Novel. If you have never read it, put it I you "must read" list today. It's a great novel for several reasons.

In my next post I will review My Life in France by Julia Child and her grand-nephew, Alex Prud'homme, published in 2006. What a fun, inspiring story. If you've seen the movie "Julie and Julia",  you know that part of the information comes from My Life in France. So until next time...happy reading!

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